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The biggest Dark Kitchen in Brussels

Bons Plaisirs is an expert company in the accompaniment of projects of small and medium companies active in food production. Our goal is to enable the launch and development of these projects in an eco-responsible and circular approach.

Within the eco-responsible incubator Greenbizz, we have built the largest Dark Kitchen space in Brussels (= shared central kitchen) under the name BeCook! This Dark Kitchen allows caterers, community producers and processors to be accompanied on a daily basis in the development of their project and to reach a perpetuation of their activity in a sustainable approach.

This Dark Kitchen has been developed in the spirit of circularity, having been recognized in 2020 as a player in the circular economy of the Brussels Capital Region (BCR). BeCook works to positively influence the sheltered businesses through its role as an ambassador of the GoodFood strategy in the BCR.

BeCook also received the award for the best Sustainable Initiative at the Visit.Brussels Awards 2021.

Following the study of its positive externalities, it was recognized that project BeCook has managed to generate the following savings over a period of 3 years:

- 40,77 tons of sheet metal

- 12,84 tons of PIR

- 176,9 tons of CO2

- 278,47 tons of waste

Bons Plaisirs offers its expertise in circularity, sustainability and financial management through Consultancy, Training and Coaching..

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